Webinar - Navigating Episodic Disabilities at Work: From Challenges to Opportunities Speakers: Lacey Croft, Elisabeth Harrison, and Carla Rice, University of Guelph

November 16, 2022 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) (EST)


Episodic disabilities are physical, mental, or neurological conditions characterized by unpredictability and variability in the intensity and severity of impairments. This results in a fluctuating capacity to conduct daily activities, including work. Episodic disabilities are increasing in prevalence and are currently estimated to affect at least 945,000 working age Ontarians, but existing approaches to workplace accommodation often do not adapt to the needs of this population. In this interactive session, we discuss the workplace challenges—and opportunities—encountered by employers and their employees with episodic disabilities. We present expert testimonials and lived experience stories alongside survey and interview data from the From Invisibility to Inclusion (i2i) study on episodic disability in the workplace to consider common misconceptions about episodic disability and associated health conditions, the impacts of stigma toward people with episodic disabilities, barriers and aids to disclosure, and the benefits of accommodation and modification in the workplace. Learning objectives: •You will deepen your understanding of episodic disability and its impacts in the workplace •You will learn about employee and employer experiences with episodic disability stigma, disclosure, and accommodation •You will expand your familiarity with disability rights-based approaches to accommodation and inclusion

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November 16, 2022 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) (EST)
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